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Games For Mom

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No matter how old we are, we still love to play games with mom. Mom can be a bit goofy, maybe she’s snarky or a bit old fashioned. But she’s always tons of fun. So I’m always on the hunt for fames for mom. I have put together a collection of some of the best games to play with moms.  I have played all of these games and everyone of them belongs on my Games For Moms list. The list has something for every mom and these games are sure to make any get together memorable.

Before reading through this list, let’s take a moment to remember, that while Mom is a mom, she’s also this fantastic individual that spent her life in service to you and your future. And she’s this unique person that likes to have a bit of fun and likes to step out of that strict mom role you’ve always seen her in. These games will help you get to know the friend side of your mom. And that is a whole new level of love and understanding and appreciation.

Older mother, grandmother flipping the bird while playing a game

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Just some quick detail on why this list is so close to my heart. I don’t get to see my mother very often any more. Maybe once or twice a year. When I visit, all of my family gets together. While my dad and brothers like to hang out in the barn, drink too much and talk about politics and religion, my sister, mother and I like to hang out in the house… and prob drink a bit too much. Well, not too much, we have kiddos that will want some elaborate grandma breakfast the next morning.


Before the kids go to bed, we like to break out of couple of fast games that provide lots of giggles. Farkle tops the list every single time. Little kiddos love to throw the dice, often off the table. And they laugh and laugh when grandma or mom get a farkle. I particularly enjoy that my mother lives vicariously through the word Farkle like its the real F word.

So Farkle gets a serious 5 star rating for a fast paced game for mom and kids that allows for every age range to play and have a few good giggles.


The next game on the Games for Moms list is SuperFight. My guess is that you may not have heard of this game. It’s a game of absurd arguments. You have 2 stacks of cards. A white stack that is the character, and black stack that is attributes. You draw from each pile and then make the best hand you can and play it against the other players. Whoever has the best hand wins. And let me tell you, the hands get ridiculous. You can end up with a Sumo Wrestler that can only fly if no one is looking and shoots glitter vs identical twins that are 10 stories tall and their entire body is very sticky. Admittedly, the game is way more fun than it sounds, especially when your mom is kicking your boooooo-tay. This game pushes my mom out of her comfort zone, but in a fun way.  I, myself as a mom love to play it with all 3 of my sons. They are 8, 20 and 24.

Meh, Cards Against Humanity

I’m going to leave off recommending Cards Against Humanity from my Games for Moms list, as games that involve my mother and any amount of jokes with a sexual connotation give me the heebie-jeebies. I want to scrub my brain with bleach and a toilet brush. If you so dare, here’s a link to grab your daring card set. But, if that’s your thing or your brave enough, here’s a link to Card Against Humanity on Amazon.


Here’s another goofy game that really lets you get to know the dark side of your mother. Ballderdash. It’s basically a game of BS where the best liar wins. Now, I don’t know about you, but I love watching my mom try to lie. Dang, just thinking about it makes me smile. Sometimes her answers are so obvious you want to put your arm around her and let her know that her innocence is a beautiful thing. And other rounds your jaw drops because you didn’t know she had it in her to make up such a great lie. Then you wonder … has she done this before and when? I mean, I bet you told some whoppers as a kid or a teen, but how many times did she tell you one?!?!?!

Off the beaten path

Let’s not forget to add a couple of slow mo games for those older moms. You know, the grandmas that no matter how hard you try, are not going to break character from the grandma that over fed you, spoiled you and broke all of Mom and Dad’s rules when she spent time alone with you. This grandma may not be ready to sit and do a puzzle with you yet, but complicated rules or a game that is too fast paced might just be a bit much. It’s also prob a good idea to stay away from anything that is pop culture, including what you might think of as the golden oldies. We rarely have any idea what Grandma really thought of as pop culture. My grandmother’s pop culture was milking cows and plucking chickens. My mothers was a brief dabbling in paper dresses, ironing her hair with an actual clothes iron and unsuccessfully trying to smoke pot that one time. Wooooo What a rebel that one. She missed Woodstock because a lot of women had babies when they were 19.

So, in honor of Grandma and those Mom’s that just can’t quite let go, I bring you… Scrabble. Just kidding, just kidding. This one really isn’t a game, but it’s a flippin blast. I load up on a few cheap easles, some acrylic paint and a large iPad or tv connected to the internet. Then we pop on a youtube video of easy to paint acrylic tutorials. We follow along step by step and take time to pause the video, help each other and have a great time. Believe it or not, you don’t have to have any artistic skill to follow along with one of those videos. I put this one in the list of Best Games for Mom because we always have someone vote for a winner at the end of the evening. I especially love this game because everyone in the family can participate. And, Mom may show you that she has a talent that you never knew about.

Mix it up with some old fashioned video games

One more unconventional game to throw in the mix here, is a good video game. Mom prob has some video game experience from when she was a kid. Maybe she played Sonic or Mario or Zelda, OR really old school, PacMan. Maybe she dabbled a bit in Mortal Kombat or Myst. Most of us mom’s played at least some video games. I myself played a TON of games, and still enjoy a good Fallout 4 on VR. But, even if she isn’t waiting for the new release of Zelda 2019 (Squeeeee!), she will still enjoy some easy gaming. Break out some Mario Kart, SuperSmash or some other couch co-op game. Even a game like Animal Crossing. Those are all laugh together games that everyone can enjoy. And heck, if Mom is in last place in MarioKart, at least she gets that blue shell. Even if you don’t have the latest Nintendo Switch, dust off that old Wii or pick an original Wii up on CraigsList for 20 bucks or borrow from a friend. Most of us have one stashed away in a corner somewhere collecting dust.

I thought about adding a bunch of iOS or Android games to this list, but I really think they belong in their own post. I’ll update this article once I curate a Mom quality list.

So this Games for Moms list hasn’t been extremely long. But, it has been well tested and Mom approved. After all, I’m a mom, my Mom is a Mom and my Mom is a Grandma. Heck, she’s a great grandma now. Wow, it just hit me how old we are all getting… I hate getting old. Luckily, games like these keep Mom young and are fun for the whole family.

May the best mom win!


An older mother or grandmother flipping in the bird.

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  1. Becki Svare

    We love a good game night! My mom is always up for participating – even though she has dementia now. She enjoys Farkle (though we call it Amish Dice) because it’s lively, easy and fun!

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